Just In Time Instruction Allows DME to be Handled Safely and Decreases Loading Time

By Delivering Detailed Loading Instructions in Real Time, Damage is Decreased, Loading Times are Reduced, and Customer Confidence Goes Up

Many airlines have attempted to create detailed and hands-on training for loading and unloading of powered mobility devices. Still, the problem of damage to Durable Medical Equipment (DME) has steadily increased through the years.

Much of this is due to the fact that there is high turnover in the ground crew staff. Very often as soon as someone is trained they soon move on to another role or another job.

It is also the case that while airlines do their best to train their staff, many of ground crew in many locations are not airline staff, but contractors. These contractors invariably have different training regimes as well as varying amounts of adherence to those standards.

Just-In-Time Training Delivered Where and When it is Needed.

Because of all these factors, Skyabl takes a very different approach to solving the problem of properly training and instructing staff. Skyabl provides "Just-In-Time" and "Model-Specific" training. We work with Durable Medical Equipment (DME) manufacturers, advocacy groups, powered mobility device users, and Airlines and create step-by-step guides, videos, and diagrams that show how to handle power chairs and powered scooters safely.

This training is delivered to gate agents and ground crew as they need it on the computer screen and wireless devices they are are already using to do their jobs each day. The instructions are presented clearly in a step-by-step recipe that the gate agents and loaders can easily follow.

[FPO Example screens]

Safer Handling and Faster Load Times

Because of the availability of the right instructions at the right time and the clarity of the instructions for the loader, load time for power chairs and powered scooters is cut down from an average of 35 minutes to less than 10 minutes.

Continuous Updates

Every time a new model of DME is released by the manufacturers or an improved way of loading a particular making model is found, all staff everywhere have immediate access to any updates made to the Skyabl instructions.

Learn how you can enable the Skyabl solution in your loading application.

[click here to schedule introduction]

Learn how you can enable your staff to handle power chairs and powered scooters safely and efficiently. Schedule an introductory call now!